Saturday, August 31, 2019

Pip’s Shadow Parents Essay

He then takes Pip’s hands, and causes him to be disorientated and feel very weak and vunerable. This is, again, like a metaphor for Pip’s whole world being shaken up and turned on his head, and he has control, he is pushed out of his comfort zone by this stranger, and so it creates a strange bond with him, because then Magwitch has total control over Pip. Magwitch exerts his â€Å"new found control† over the boy to pressure him into stealing for him, and if Pip fails this, the fate is death. The mention of death has a huge emotional impact on Pip. Magwitch also uses his eyes to great effect to scare Pip, intensifying his stare to pressure Pip even more. Dickens focuses on the eyes and hands in Great Expectations because they show the methods, which Magwitch uses, and the look in Magwitch’s eyes reveals a lot about his desperate attitude. The BBC dramatization of this echoes this, because the actor who plays Magwitch uses his eyes to great extent, looking Pip all over, checking him out, and the whole scene is reproducted even down to the last detail. When Magwitch is led away in Chapter 5, we don’t hear much about him until his return in Chapter 39. What we find out is that Magwitch was taken to Australia by the dreaded â€Å"hulks† and worked in sheep farming, and this is the source of Magwitch’s money, which he uses to fund Pip’s journey to London, and to become a gentleman. However, when Magwitch is away in Australia, he sends Pip money, in other words, he is Pip’s benefactor. We find out this in chapter 39. Dickens plays with the idea that Pip has no idea where all this mysterious money is coming from, and it is quite amusing. A huge sum of around five hundred pounds (a huge amount of money in the 19th century) arrives for him via Jaggers in Chapter 36. Pip is still confused and thinks that it is Miss Havisham who sends him the money; however, Miss Havisham denies this fact. Miss Havisham, whom Pip first meets in Chapter 8, conveys herself as a mysterious character, who is sitting upon a great fortune, but who will not spend it. Miss Havisham, despite the fact she doesn’t give Pip any money, still plays a major part in sending him to London. Miss Havisham acts as Pip’s â€Å"shadow mother†; because she gives him advice like a mother would give to her own son. Frequent visits to Satis House build up the relationship between Miss Havisham and Pip, and in addition to this, Pip and Estella, since their first meeting, grow more tolerant towards each other. Estella has treated Pip like dirt since their first meeting in Chapter 8. We know that there is a link between Compeyson and Pip’s shadow parents. Compeyson is Magwitch’s arch enemy, since Compeyson â€Å"split the beans† and blamed all his misdemeanours on Magwich. Miss Havisham, as we discover in Chapter 42, reveals that Compeyson was the con-man who ruined Miss Havisham’s life by failing to show up at her wedding. The social class system in the mid-19th century was much stronger than it is today. There was a more obvious divide between the rich and the poor. Nowadays, it is less apparent. At the time Dickens is writing, it was â€Å"easier to become a gentleman†. Before the novel, the only way you could become a gentleman was to be born into a rich upper-class family, and brought up in decent surroundings. Pip was born in the working-class â€Å"band† and works his way to becoming a gentleman, aided along the way by Miss Havisham. Dickens’ writing style throughout the whole novel ends the novel on a cliff-hanger. The reason for this is because of the original format of the book. Great Expectations was published in a journal format (one chapter per journal) in a publication called All The Year Round from December 1, 1860 to August 3, 1861. The writing style is apparent throughout the whole novel. 1,207 words   English Coursework Mr Bacsich James Cull Page 1 08/05/2007 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Great Expectations section.

Moral absolutism Essay

When we speak of â€Å"Morality† we think of the difference between right and wrong, the difference between the good and the evil. We use morality to justify our actions and decisions. More often than not, people impose their morality on others and expect them to act in the way they find fit. They believe that the idea of right and wrong is universal. In her essay â€Å"On Morality†, Didion contradicts this theory and believes that everyone can have different ideas of morality based on their own perception. To make her point, Didion uses the examples of Klaus Fuchs and Alfred Rosenberg. Fuchs was a British traitor who leaked nuclear secrets to the Soviets, and Rosenberg was the Nazi administrator of Eastern Europe, where the Germans committed their most heinous and most murderous acts during World War II. Both of them claimed that what they did were morally appropriate. She then goes on to say that Jesus justifies what he did based on morality. The juxtaposition of these ideas affirms Didion’s theory that the conviction of morality is vastly based on perspective. This juxtaposition also helps prove that people use morality to justify almost anything. Osama Bin Laden believed that it was morally right to take the lives of millions of innocent civilians in the name of religion. President Snow, along with the Capitol, in The Hunger Games saw it fit to throw 24 teenagers in a battlefield and let them fight until only one remains. Morality does not seem like a tool to distinguish right from wrong, but a method to have a clean conscious, irrespective of whether one’s acts are good or bad. Didion also says, â€Å"For better or for worse, we are what we learned as children. † (158) This shows that the ideas we have of good and bad and the so-called â€Å"morality† is part of what we’ve learnt growing up. A lot of people might find it pointless to stay with a corpse on a highway. But to Didion, it is the moral thing to do. We do not leave behind our dead. Friedrich Nietzsche said, â€Å"Fear is the mother of morality. † Didion maintains that morality might differ from person to person. In my opinion, a lot of factors influence the decisions we make and then blame them on morality. â€Å"The right thing† is too abstract to be universal. Didion debates about the cannibalism acts and talks about the vestigial taboo that no one should eat their own blood kin. This might seem appalling to some while being a being of another’s culture. Didion says that morality has â€Å"the most potentially mendacious meaning. † (159) And I couldn’t agree more. There is a very thin line between right and wrong, and morality is what shows one where to draw it. But the basis of that line is so ambiguous, that people end up using morality to cover up their actions. The idea Didion presents is that humans are not equipped to distinguish between the good and the bad. We think that all actions are sound as long as they don’t hurt another person. But then we see people like Adolf Hitler. The man murdered millions of people. Yet, he had a bunch of supporters who helped him with these inhumane acts. But he did what he did in the name of morality, in the name of ‘respect for the greater race. ’ The central idea of this essay is that morality depends largely on perception. What one finds wrong may not necessarily be seen as inappropriate by another. â€Å"I followed my own conscience. † â€Å"I did what I thought was right. † Didion questions the reader how many madmen have said this and meant it? Didion doesn’t believe that these men shelter themselves under the illusion of morality but actually believe their actions are moral and justified. Maybe we ourselves have said it before and been wrong. Our conscience isn’t always the best judge of things. But the concept of morality makes it okay to just be impulsive and do what we think is correct in the moment. The relevance of our logic lacks frequency. One might not kill people on a daily basis but one might find it moral to do it someday and go ahead with it. Does this make them immoral? Is the act of killing immoral? What if the victim is a killer? The answers to questions relating to morality are not black or white. There could be various different instances where individuals might have different stands on issues. All of which they might believe to be morally correct. So the question is, who decides what is moral and what is not? What gives them the power to do so? Should the morality of one person be forced on another? Clearly, universal standards of right and wrong do not exist. The evidence Didion provided as well as instances we see around the world proves that fact. A lot of people do not agree with Didion’s idea of differing morality. The people who adhere themselves to a supposedly universal moral code can delude themselves into thinking people who do not follow that code are less humane. People need to stop fretting over moral absolutes and let morality run their life and effect every decision they make in order to ensure the future is safe from oppression and terrorism.

Friday, August 30, 2019

From A Mother With Love Essay

I am writing this slow because I know that you can’t read fast. We don’t live where we did when you left home. Your dad read in the paper that most accidents happen within 20 miles from your home so we moved. I won’t be able to send you the address, as the last family that lived here took the house numbers when they left so that they wouldn’t have to change their address. This place is real nice. It even has a washing machine. I’m not sure if it works too well though. Last week I put a load in, pulled the chain, and haven’t seen them since. The weather isn’t too bad here., it only rained twice last week, The first time it rained for three days and the second time for four days. The coat you wanted me to send you, your Uncle Steve said it would be a little too heavy to send in the mail with the buttons on, so we cut them off and put them in the pockets. We got another bill from the funeral home. They said if we don’t make the last payment on Grandma’s grave, up she comes. John locked his keys in the car yesterday. We were worried because it took him two hours to get me and Shelby out. Your sister had a baby this morning but I haven’t found out what it is yet, so I don’t know if you’re an aunt or an uncle. If the baby is a girl, your sister is going to name it after me, she’s going to call it Mom. Uncle Pete fell in a whiskey vat last week. Some man tried to pull him out but he fought them off and drowned. We had him cremated and he burned for three days. Three of your friends went off a bridge in a pick-up truck. Ralph was driving. He rolled down the window and swam to safety. Your two friends were in the back. They drowned because they couldn’t get the tailgate down. There isn’t much more news at this time. Nothing much has happened. PS, I was going to send you some money but the envelope was already sealed.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Dangers of Electric Shock Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dangers of Electric Shock - Research Paper Example These days almost anything which is dangerous clearly shows a danger sign but some people choose to ignore it and as a consequence end up losing their life. Death by electric shock has become unusually common, sometimes it is because of ignorance some other times it is purely accidental. Shock occurs when a person accidentally or intentionally touches an energy source; the energy then flows through the body causing an electric shock. Many a time this electric energy is so powerful that the victim succumbs to his wounds, some other times the victim is saved. â€Å"Adolescents and adults are prone to high voltage shock caused by mischievous exploration and exposure at work. About 1,000 people in the United States die each year as a result of electrocution. Most of these deaths are related to on-the-job injuries.† (Electric Shock Causes) 1,000 people each year lose their life as mentioned earlier and yet nothing significant is being done about it. There are several factors which determine how severe the shock can be, the most important of them all is the voltage, higher the voltage more severe the shock. The resistance of the tissues is another factor which may determine the extent of the injury because each of us is biologically different and may have different resistance levels. Chances of death increase should the voltage be above 500 volts, most human beings escape with minor injuries should the voltage be less than 500 volts but fatal burns and injuries is the result should the voltage be more than 500 volts. Many a time people try and help others and become subsequent victims, helping a person who is experiencing electric shock needs fool-proof preparation. Someone who falls from height may break his neck in which case the victim should be left alone and an ambulance should be called for. 110-220 volts is normal current which is supplied to different households, children often get severely injured when they are exposed to uncovered wires in the house. 110 volts is good enough to injure children gravely because their resistance level is much lower than adults. It is very important to cover all the uncovered electrical wires in a household; this can easily be done by using cello tapes and other similar equipment. â€Å"Children are not often seriously injured by electricity. They are prone to shock by the low voltage (110-220 volts) found in typical household current. In children aged 12 years and younger, household appliance electrical cords and extension cords caused more than 63% of injuries in one study. Wall outlets were responsible for 15% of injuries.† (Electric Shock Causes) Electric shock is more than capable of causing multiple health hazards, burns are the most common of all muscular contraction is another hazard which may be caused because of an electric shock. Spine injury is also plausible should a victim fall from height, he may also injure his neck severely. A victim may also experience breathing problem, ab dominal problems and a host of other serious problems. For workers working at a construction site it becomes necessary to wear personal protective equipment to ensure that they can be safeguarded against electric shock. Insulated high voltage glove kit is a kit which is worn by workers working at construction sites; this kit comes with gloves and other equipment which protect against electric

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Using Argument and Persuasion in Writng Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Using Argument and Persuasion in Writng - Essay Example Even though this story was only the figment of writer Caspian Tredwell-Owens imagination. It is not something that is too far from the reality that we currently face in the fight to prevent the cloning of human beings. The proponents of Human Cloning do so in the name of science. Their stand being that by cloning humans, we will gain the much needed medical advantage and understanding of illnesses and easily be able to avert, cure, or create person specific vaccines for the recipients of Human Cloning technology. Although these supporters have sound and valid arguments, they fail to see that Human Clones are just as their name implies, human beings. Even though they are the final product of a highly complicated medical science, it does not erase the fact that these people shall, in the future, be born into this world as innocents. They will experience life and live their lives until some doctor tells them they can no longer live because their body parts are now needed. In other words, Human cloning turns their creators, the doctors and clone nurturers into gods. Having the power to give and take a life at their own convenience and hide the murder of another human being behind the cloak of medical science and technological advancement. Man was not created in a manner that he can be allowed by natural forces to live forever. Our bodies were not designed to be like car parts that can be replaced once it is worn down. Transplant technology is one thing. Such a technology is governed by rules and often comes from donors who are no longer part of this world. Such an argument cannot be used in support of human cloning. It is one thing to take a perfectly good body part from a person whom you know no longer has any use for it and another to harvest a body part from an exact genetic replica of a person in order to save his life. Think about it. What good is it to save the life of one if it means that another must die in order

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Wrongful Convictions - Death Penalty and Innocence Essay

Wrongful Convictions - Death Penalty and Innocence - Essay Example I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call." Professor John McAdams, Marquette University Law is one of the most intricate aspects of socio-political life; it revolves around the life of individuals and helps them coexist in tandem with one another. It is based on a philosophy as talked about by eminent thinkers and its very features emanate a sort of philosophical thinking on the basis of what law exactly is. Law generates human behaviour and is answerable for the actions of the people; it thus control and regulates the manner in which people exist around each other and thus, it poses an intellectual question as to how it carries out the same function. Within a society thus, if people commit crimes or harass others and intrude upon their peaceful living, they are bound to be punished, and since times immemorial, one of the worst punishments that a person may be given is a death penalty. The definition of the term death penalty is ‘putting a condemned person to death’. (Definition - Death Penalty). This means that if a person kills someone, in most cases, he himself will get sentenced to death. At the same time, it is pertinent to note that many countries around the world have abolished the charge of a death penalty to their citizens despite the heinous acts that they may commit. Other countries, for example, India, still make use of the death penalty in the rarest of rare cases. Current trends in the United States of America suggest that the death penalty is administered to people committing crimes ranging from drug trafficking to aggravated murder, and one of the most common forms of the execution involves the use of a lethal injection which has been opposed by numerous human rights groups. In 2011 itself, 43 executions have taken place with the lethal injection (Facts About Death Penalty). However, there are many states within the US, for example, Michigan, Hawaii, and Alaska, which have banned the death sentence altog ether. In America, there is acclaimed public support for death penalties as well because the people believe in truly punishing those that commit grave crimes like murders. Since the 1980s, this trend seems to be in the proposition of the public. Michigan was the first state with an English-speaking government that banned the death sentence for all crimes except for treason. Giving any individual the death penalty is a tough task to process because it involves pin pointing a certain crime onto a person that has shocked all of society; since the punishment depends on the gravity of the crime committed, it is pertinent to understand the reason for giving a death penalty in many parts of the world even today. However, according to personal opinion, the death penalty should only be reserved for the worst crimes and the rarest of rare cases because as discussed within this paper, it is difficult to segregate the innocent people from those that are indeed guilty and wrongfully giving the d eath penalty will result in creating many more criminals rather than fix the society. Causes of Wrongful Conviction Eyewitness error The memory of an individual may be either blurry or deceive him especially when it comes to remembering events that may have occurred in the past, especially with respect to other individuals. In the case of a rape and kidnapping, a man in Florida, Alan Crotzer, was wrongfully convicted to a long time in prison, awaiting a decision when he had not committed a crime at all, despite the eyewitnesses stating the facts as him being the criminal (Stutzman, R). According to the

Monday, August 26, 2019

WESTERN CIVILIZATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WESTERN CIVILIZATION - Essay Example The peasants were made to pay land tax, war tax, and an extraordinary number of dues were imposed on them such as, cloth dues, salt dues, bread dues, while the clergy and the nobility were exempt from paying taxes. Resentment and anger were fuming among the exploited poor peasants. These form the long time social background, which caused French Revolution. The administrative failure in France and her bankruptcy in the later part of the 18th century forced Louis XVI to call a general meeting of the Estates General. But differences ensued among the representatives regarding voting rights. On June 10, 1789 the Third Estate, consisting of the bourgeoisie, the peasants, and the liberal minded representatives from the members of the nobility declared itself the National Assembly. Louis XVI failed to disband the group. On July 14th commoners in Paris stormed the Bastille. French Revolution brought new hope and light to all other European states. As the age-old feudal system was demolished the new age upheld the high ideals of Enlightenment. New institutions came up which were based on reason and justice. Man broke the shackles of superstition, prejudice, oppression and cruelty of a fellow human being. New terms such as freedom, liberty, equality and brotherhood filled the hearts of men. For that generation, human rights came within sight; forces of oppression, tyranny and misery were identified. â€Å"So 1789 stands as the pivotal year- a watershed- in which these forces came to their abrupt and necessary

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Literature class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Literature class - Essay Example This short story reflects Clarke’s attitude about coming from Barbados himself. Clarke was raised on the island, only to come to Toronto to find a whole new world, just like his narrator of â€Å"The Motor Car†. The sense of losing oneself in a new country, which has a different culture, was one of Clarke’s fears, which he expresses in this story. Unlike the narrator in â€Å"The Motor Car†, Clarke managed to move and keep his traditional values. â€Å"Hazel† by Carol Shields is a novel that any middle aged homemaker can relate with. After raising two daughters and being supported by her husband, Hazel’s life is changed forever when her husband dies. Hazel felt depressed and lonely, so decided to take a job. Her mother-n-law, best friend, and daughters were appalled. Hazel’s mother-n-law said â€Å"there is no need† (Shields). She felt that since Hazel was well provided for, that a job was not necessary. Maxine, Hazel’s best friend, said â€Å"your not the type† (Shields). Her daughters insisted their father would not have approved. What Hazel’s family and friends did not realize was Hazel needed her job. It might have been a nothing small job, but she needed to feel useful. People need a purpose in life. Hazel just happened to find hers in a job demonstrating pots and pans. Alistair Macleod’s â€Å"The Boat† is a story about the narrator’s sorrow regarding his father’s death. The sorrow expressed by the narrator was wrapped up in a boat. The boat symbolized tradition and a family bonding around working on it. In fact â€Å"Jenny Lynn had been my mother’s maiden name and the boat was called after her as another link in the chain of tradition† (Macleod). The narrator relates stories from every stage of his life by remembering times in the boat. The boat is the focal point of the narrator’s life. When he remembers his father, he remembers

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Week 8 Intelligence Failures or Misperceptions Assignment - 1

Week 8 Intelligence Failures or Misperceptions - Assignment Example available information concerning the plots that led to the attacks, analyze it appropriately and disseminate it effectively in time in order to protect the public. This failure led to the launching of an unprecedented Joint Inquiry by the Congressional intelligence committees, in order to investigate the records of the Intelligence Community regarding the 9/11 attacks and make recommendations for further legislative action (Week 8 Professor’s Wrap Up Note). Another factor that supports the claim of intelligence failures is that, although the Intelligence Community provided sufficient warning of an imminent attack in mid-2001 against the United States by Osama Bin Laden, the Community never learned the plans for aircraft hijackings in advance, which occurred on September 11. In addition, inquiries arose on whether the Intelligence Community failed to provide precise information about the ability of Iraqi to develop and use weapons of mass destruction (WMD), or whether the Administration of Bush systematically misused intelligence to acquire support for launching Operation Iraqi Freedom in March 2003, as well as for continuing military operations in Iraq. As of today, the inquiry and research into both of the perceived major contemporary  intelligence failures continues. According to Paul Pillar argument, the intelligence community was aware prior to 9/11 of the threats and received many from al-Qaeda that they will attack America on American soil. Along with the high amount of threats received in the summer of 2001, Americans had several chances of taking out Bin Ladin. However, the president and the intelligence community failed to act aggressively on the threats. And in 1993 America was attacked with the bombing of the World Trade Center.   This is an evidence of failed community intelligence and a weakness or inexperience of leadership. Other similar examples include the decision to go to war with Iraq, which was pure weakness and failures in presidential

Friday, August 23, 2019

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Research Paper - Essay Example On the same note, there had been fuel crisis when the country was hit by floods. The fuel crisis grew up to the level that people had to stand for hours in cues to get the fuel. Long lines of vehicles were seen on the fuel sources and there were also some instances of insecurity and lawlessness at some places in USA. The fuel i.e. oil and gas is one of the essential needs of the public of USA and the shortage of the fuel made people restless and agitated. On the other hand, USA had been under the drought and almost half of the country was left with no water. The reason told by the authorities concerned were that in USA there had been hot and dry summer which resulted in the drought in half of the country. Another reason which has been given is the increase in the population and estimates have shown that population of the USA has increased 99% and the use of water has increased up to 127% which has given a blow to the use of water resulting in water shortage in USA (Parry 67). 2.0 Ana lysis of the Global Food Crisis Food crisis in the country leads to chaos and ultimately the political government has to face the music. The global food crisis has hit almost every country of the world and it has hit the most to USA. USA has been under the pin of the food crisis since last year and the hot summer and dry weathers have not let the crops grow with the same ratio as they had been growing earlier and a decrease in food production is calculate to be 6.5%. The United Nations has warned of the perceived threats which might grow up after the food shortage (Citrin 27). The UN is of the view that the food crisis particularly in USA is of dire importance as the UN funded projects in the developing countries can be halted in response of this crisis. According to Gurgel, UN estimates show that the supplies throughout the world are very tight and the consumption of the food and related products is much more than the storage (34).This situation is fast consuming the stocks of the food and products. In USA, the according to UN the situation has been worsening and had there been no solutions to this crisis this issue can erupt like a menace in the country where people will find difficult to eat (Smith n.pag). 3.0 Analysis of the Global Fuel Crisis According to Hurd , there has been fuel crisis in the world in the recent times and this fuel crisis spread all over the world with in no time. The fuel like petrol and gas are among the most used objects of the economy of the world. In USA, apparently there had not been any fuel crisis but the floods in the country let the country deprive of the oil supplies and people were left on their own in driving their vehicles. Other than that, there had been the history of fuel crisis in USA back in 1970 (48). According to Christensen, the oil crisis at that time was of political nature as the Middle Eastern and the oil producing countries had imposed an embargo on the supply of the fuel to USA due to the policies of USA whi ch were not acceptable to the Middle Eastern countries (34). According to David, the fuel crisis in such a big country can wreak havoc among the nation as majority of the public is direct under the usage of the fuel in USA (n.pag). 4.0 Analysis of the Global Water Crisis According to California Department of Water Resources, water is one of the basic necessities of the population of the world and if there is the chances of the drought, then the world should look into this matter with an open eye.

Ordination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ordination - Essay Example In spite of the strong protest against the ordination of women by the conventional Christian thinkers and scholars, there is an increasing opinion in favor of the practice of ordaining women and associate pastors. In this background, it is important to make a reflective analysis of the topic and take a strong opinion regarding the controversy. "Women in the ordained ministry have been the focus of considerable public interest and controversy, perhaps more so than any other professional occupation... Occasional cracks have allowed a few women to move into leadership positions, offering hope to scores of other women clergy. But female leadership in mainline denominations remains at token levels." (Nesbitt 1997, 3). In fact, the question concerning the issue needs to be realized according to the different contexts of the Christian traditions. It is, therefore, important to relate here that it is not easy to come to a conclusion regarding the issue as the opinions of every group is based on specific cultural, theological, and traditional beliefs and practices of different sects. Whereas the traditional and conservative view of the question forbids the ordination of women and ordination of associate pastors, a researched and thoroughly studied position on the question would be to grant women the equal rights for ordination along with men. Such a view favoring the ordination of women and ordination of associate pastors would not only improve the status of women, but, more importantly, would uplift the status of this divine vocation as such. Therefore, it is important that more and more strong opinion supportive of the ordination of women and ordination of associate pastors is the need of the period. In a reflective analysis of the question concerning the ordination of women, it becomes lucid that the argument against the ordination of women and ordination of associate pastors is the result of several complex aspects. Thus, it is relatable that the Catholics defend the Church's position on women's ordination mainly due to factors which are of common interest to the group. That is to say, the question of ecumenism is a strong factor deciding the position of the Catholics and orthodox Christians, and they wish to avoid factors that may hinder the scope of ecumenism with similar Christian groups. "Conservative Catholics who agree with the tradition of restricting the priesthood to men," as Ferrara and Wilson point out, "do not wish to offend their Protestant friends who have grown accustomed to female pastors or who may even be female pastors. Nor do they wish to insult their fellow Catholics who may think women should be ordained." (Ferrara and Wilson 2003, 33). Therefore, the posi tion taken by the Catholic Church on the issue is determined by factors of their specific concerns, along with the traditional and cultural aspects. In fact, the arguments against the ordination of women and ordination of associate pastors need to be carefully analyzed and the basic issues concerning the question be scrutinized. Whereas the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

General Orders Essay Example for Free

General Orders Essay The simple act of performing your duties in a military manner will keep you out of more trouble in your career than just about anything else. Drill these in your head and let them become second nature. I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved. I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner. I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions to the commander of the relief. The Eleven General Orders are common to all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. It is best to learn these before  boot camp: you will be expected to know these by heart, in any order, after a few weeks in basic training! 1. To take charge of this post and all government property in view. 2. To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert, and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing. 3. To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce. 4. To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my own. 5. To quit my post only when properly relieved. 6. To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the commanding officer, field officer of the day, officer of the day, and officers and petty officers of the watch. 7. To talk to no one except in line of duty. 8. To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder. 9. To call the petty officer of the watch in any case not covered by instructions. 10. To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased. 11. To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Bonesetters Daughter Summary

The Bonesetters Daughter Summary LuLing: Ruths mother. She immigrated to United States from China through her sister, Gao Ling. She shows how her life had changed through her writings in part 2. She is very emotional character who loves and acts passionately Ruth: LuLings daughter (of course). As her mother loses memory, she becomes more considerate about LuLing, and searches for her memory instead. This eventually helps Ruth grow mature and find her own identity. Theme Finding Identity Through searching mothers history, Ruth finds out the background of her immigrant mother. This eventually builds up Ruths maturity and her identity as a Chinese Woman. Chapter Notes Part 1 Chapter 1 Ruth Young lost her faith on August 12th for eight years. It happened first at Arts house in San Francisco. August 12th was a day shooting stars fell. Her mother took this as an omen and told Ruth that they were actually melting ghost bodies. Ruth was a book doctor and she had daughters named Dory and Fia. Ruth always looked her day through fingers of her hands, listing from 1 to 10. One day, Ruth couldnt memorize what nine was. Art, who Ruth had met in a yoga class 10 years ago, complained about making things too much complicated. Ruth finally remembered her number 9 was to take her mother to the doctor. Chapter 2 When Ruth was young, she loved spicy turnips instead of junk food. She had imagined through the limited space, which she continued to present. Everyone looked down at her job, for she made it seem easier. She helped to write The Cult of Personal freedom, The Cult of Compassion, The Cult of Envy, The Biology of Sexual Attraction, The Physic of Human Nature, and The Geography of the Soul to make books more interesting. One of the clients had a pseudonym of Agapi Agnos with real name of Doris DeMatteo. Gideon described her so accommodating that would bend backwad. LuLing was very healthy except that she had a type of memory loss that Ruth thought about taking her to the therapist. She always tried to teach Ruth with Chinese. GaoLing and LuLing were two different women who sometimes fought, and sometimes went along. Two sisters had married to brothers named Edmund and Edwin. Edwin died in a car accident. Luling always lamented on her great husbands death. Her mothers health was getting w orse. Chapter 3 Luling asked about Fia starting sixth grade while it was actually Dory. Luling had forgotten that her cat, Fu-fu, died by a dog. Dr. wHuey examined Luling. On documents, Lulings birth year was 1921, but she told him that its 1916. Ruth got frustrated by the complex questions doctor asked the mother. Luling said she had seen O.J. kill his wife in real life. The doctor suggested that Lulings might have Alzheimers. Ruth told Art about this in Chinese, but her children complained about speaking in Chinese. Arts daughter calls Luling Walpo Ruth remembered her past when her mother talked to her in Chinese. Ruth just decided to be silent while her mothers treated. Lulin brought a sand tray and a brush to make Ruth write. Lulings call Precious Auntie as Doggie and asked for forgivenesss. Ruth invited Miriam, Arts divorced wife, to Moon Festival dinner. Chapter 4 On the night of Full Moon Festival, Ruth excitedly picked a place called Fountain Court, which her mother disliked. Dinner went on as the Chinese style of Thanksgiving. There were Billy with his four children, Sally the aeronautical engineer, and George the Violinist of SF Symphony. None of the children liked the dinner for its looks. Gaoling told people about the incident when Luling persisted to say she had paid the bill. Ruth gave out a speech and presents to her family. Ruth was satisfied with dinner. Luling was in confusion and said Precious Auntie was her real mother. Luling gave Ruth the necklace that Ruth had given her for present. Ruth was about her mothers symptoms. Chapter 5 Ruth insured Luling that she was alright, and Luling said she wasnt afraid of death. Luling now visited her for dinner every day. Ruth realized that her mother was mentally ill. Luling became angry when Ruth treated her as a special client. Luling often threatened to kill herself, as if she had no reason to live on. Ruth hired maids and housekeepers, but they all quitted for Lulings violent behaviors. Ruth had a plan to go to Hawaii within few days, but she decided that she would stay with her mother. One of Ruths clients named Ted fired Ruth as a ghost writer. Ruth went to her mothers house, but she was found through calling cops. LuLing was trying to go to grocery store. Ruth finally asked GaoLing to help take care of her mom. Chapter 6 When Ruth was young, she often thought about death. She and her mother used to live at the flatlands of Berkeley. There was a couple named Lance and Dottie. Ruth had a crush on Lance, who was as handsome as a celebrity. Ruth convinced her mother that she got invited to watch the Wizard of Oz together, Ruth put herself right on toilet which had Lances urine and thought she was going to be pregnant. Dottie found out about this, and the couple divorced in confusion. Ruth apologized to Lance, but Lance tried to rape Ruth. Ruth told her mother that Precious Auntie wanted them to move to San Francisco. Chapter 7 Ruth began to clean the house. Ruth threw away everything her mother had been saving. She found a diary on cupboard. She once got into a huge fight with her mother about smoking cigarettes, which had Ruth to write harsh things on the diary. When Ruth arrived home, she found out that her mother fell off out of window and broke her bodies. Ruth regretted what she had written on the diary. Ruth and LuLing frequently got into fight still. Ruth found mothers writings and decided to translate them to learn more about her past. Part 2 Luling was raised by the Liu Clan within the village called Immortal Heart. Precious Auntie called Luling a doggie. After ancient tree died, the fame of the village had declined. The family was working in ink-making, and was successful enough. About thirty people lived together. Precious Aunties father had a ability of bonesetting to heal bones. He was so good that patient came from everywhere. One day, coffin maker and Baby Uncle saw their fortunes. Precious Auntie was a rooster, while Chang was a snake, which was a great match. Precious Auntie however, turned down Chang to marrie Hu Sen. Chang killed her father during the marriage, and Hu Sen died from Horse kicking him. Precious Auntie tried to commit suicide by drinking burning oil, but it only left her scarred. In 1929, scientist went to Dragon Bone Hill. Rumors said that scientists were buying the bones with a good price. Precious Auntie put back the bones to where they were found. Scientists were looking for Peking Man. Precious Auntie, however, didnt say where the bones were, while everyone was so eager to sell bones. One day, Chang came and LuLing accidently told she knew where the bones were. Few days later, Peking asked LuLing to come over for marriage arrangement. LuLing ignored Precious Aunt and went to Old Widow Laus house for preparation. Even though LuLing felt uncomfortable, she could make everyone happy with the meeting, except for Precious Auntie. Since Changs asked LuLing to be their family, Precious Auntie stopped to help LuLing. Precious Auntie gave LuLing a writing that said how she was LuLings real mother. LuLing, however, couldnt finish it, and never got to discover the truth. Precious Auntie was found dead after LuLing announced her future marriage with the Changs. LuLing, in sadness, cancelled the marriage and left for the End of the World to search for corpse of Precious Auntie. The familys ink shop burnt down by the ghost of Precious Auntie. The officials came to inform father about the damages he had done to the neighbors and asked for payment. Father called for a priest to capture the ghost, and sent LuLing to orphanage to stop ghost from returning. LuLing was influenced by some foreigners in the orphanage that she changed her religion to Christianity. LuLing was one of the few who could read and write, among seventy children. When there was a good weather, Teacher Pan took the girls to Dragon Bone Hill. The girls helped scientists when they were asked to. Precious Auntie had left oracle bone and small photograph of her for LuLing. One day, LuLing found a letter from Gao Ling that she wasnt satisfied with her marriage to Chang. Kai Jing, Teacher Pan, and LuLing made a banner for New Year, and took it to the fair. Kai Jing explained how magnificent the banner was. LuLing fell in love with Kai Jing. LuLing and Kai Jing tried to make love, but the storage room was so filthy. The news that there will soon be a war against Japanese reaches the orphanage. GaoLing came over and talked how the priest was actually a fraud. She stayed at the orphanage, and built a friendship with Sister Yu. LuLing and Kai Jing married. Even though the war was still held, Kai Jing went to dig for dragon bones. He and other men got caught by soldiers to join army against Japanese. They soon found out that Chinese were captured, and soldiers were shot one by one. Japanese soldiers occupied the orphanage and forced men to speak where the communists were. Japanese people kill every single man except for Teacher Pan. LuLing and other girls faked to have diseases with chicken bloods to go to Peking. Teacher Pan and girls continued on with the ink shop to live on. War finally ended in 1945. Miss Grutoff was sick and she needed to go to America for treatment. Gao Ling promised to invite LuLing and followed Miss Grutoff as an assistant. Teacher Pan also planned to marry. LuLing received a letter that Miss Grutoff had died and that LuLing had to wait until Gao Ling became a citizen. LuLing decided to move to cheaper house to support herself until Gao Ling invited her. LuLing had internal conflict of selling oracle bone, but she decided to just keep it. She became a made Miss Patsy and Lady Ina. This improved LuLings English skills. Gao Ling sent a letter indicating their future husbands. Fu Nan came in to ask for money, threatening their situations. With the money LuLing had been earning and by selling the bone, she could buy the ticket and flew to United States. Part 3 Chapter 1 Ruth asked Mr. Tang to translate her mothers paper. She discussed about staying with her mother with Art, who disapproved the plan. Ruth tried to make her mother to draw things that could bring her memory back. Twice a week, Ruth went to Vallejo Street for dinner. Art wanted Ruth back, but Ruth was trying to take care of her mother. Mr. Tang finished his work and gave the paper to Ruth. LuLing actually enjoyed a talk with Mr. Tang. Ruth was surprised by the paper that had been translated. Art suggested moving LuLing to assisted-living residence, but LuLing refused. So they brought up a plan of radon leak to deceive LuLing to move to Mira Mar Manor. Chapter 2 The Young Family gathered to celebrate Gao Lings 77th (or 82nd) birthday. Ruth and Gao Ling talked about LuLings writings. Ruth said LuLing was moving into safer home. Gao Ling explains some stories like how Chang was executed for cheating on people and the origin of name Ruth, which came from Miss Grutoff and Sister Yu. There was also stock market money LuLing had saved for Ruth. LuLing had fallen into the pool and almost drowned herself, which drove Ruth to sadness. Ruth and Art had their anniversary dinner at Brunos supper club. Chapter 3 Ruth visited Asian Art Museum with her mother, Art, and Mr. Tang. Mr. Tang showed the Oracle Bone. LuLings family name was Gu, which meant bone. Ruth finally found that Precious Aunties real name was Gu Lix Xin.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Inventory Planning and Control

Inventory Planning and Control A Brief Overview of Inventory Planning and Control In any business, inventory is a key area of concern as inventoryis what is sold. Though, on the surface this may seem to be merely aphysical construct, inventory and inventory management principle easilyextend to service or other intangible product offerings. Perhaps the firstprinciple of inventory is that, inventory is money, or rather arepresentation of invested capital that is listed on the balance as aliability. While inventory is properly represented as a liability, a moreaccurate way to think of it is that is an asset in the waiting. Atypical retail store may have millions of dollars in inventory on the floor.If it is the right product, priced right, in the right place at the right time,it will likely sell. Though the 3-Ps just mentioned are the crux of themarketeers problem, they are also the problem of the inventory orreplenishment analyst on the store side and the problem of the manufacturingand shipping division of the supplier. Boththe vendor and the supplier seek inventory optimization, that is,managing from their perspective the same issues with which the marketeerwrestles. The daily issues of this perspective are focused on the same fourvariables with typical examples listed below: Product Is a certain SKU present in the regular modular only or checkout lane modular also? Are there multiple SKUs for a certain product (i.e., single or multi-packs)? A new SKU is being phased in to the modular set, is the are corresponding reduction in another product? Is replenishment on the old item turned off? If I have a certain product, is there a complimentary product that should also be sold, ideally with modular adjacencies? Placement Is a particular product in all stores (i.e., riding lawnmowers in NY City, snow shovels, even in January, in Mexico)? Does this product go into all stores simultaneously or should it be staged (i.e., lawn care product in southern stores first)? Are there any new stores that should be added to the shipped to list? Is a particular product a regular item or does it go on a special display/store location (i.e., holiday)? Price Are all the prices indicated on the shelf or on the product? Are the prices correct? Are prices updated annually or monthly? Is the item on deal (i.e., advertised special for which we might anticipate the standard 20% lift in velocity)? From theperspective of the vendor, a store or even a whole chain of store only has a[short-term] fixed floor area, backroom area and so many storage areas andtrucks that can be in transit to manage not simply one product at one locationbut the full range of products at all locations. This, in essence, is theproblem of inventory: managing and ideally optimizing the coming and going of allproducts at all locations. For the manufacturers, the problem is essentiallythe same, only with a different perspective: all of their products atall of the locations at which they are sold. The daily issues of this simply detail.Consider the perspectives of WalMart and 3M: one US retail operation and theone US division of one multinational manufacturer: WalMart has approximately 3,000 US stores, if there is one case of one product from 3M going to each store in the chain, this alone represents shipping 36,000 items (12 per case) just one time. Consider the number of products shipped, received and sold for all products at each store. 3M Stationary Products Division, Tape Adhesives section, has over 50 SKUs. Each peg on the display holds from 6 to 15 units of product. Each product comes in varying numbers per box, from 4 to 24, with from 1 to 6 boxes per case (the minimum order quantity). WalMart has the largest trucking fleet of any US corporation and has number distribution centers and warehouses. 3M has 1-2 factories per product and 3-4 key distribution points. Some items are warehouse items and therefore have a lead time of 3-4 days while other items have lead times of up to 21 days. The myriad issues that result from this collaborative efforts issignificantly enhanced but the good management of the inventory problem.From the number of units to build and subsequently ship (and to where) untilthe items are sold, the units exist as inventory. A Brief Discussionof EOQ and other Methods for Inventory Control To manage the issues discussed just prior is but one matter, tomanage them optimally is another and that is really the goal of anyinventory planning and control system. Realizing that any businessdecision is one in which the principle of the trade-off is employed, one canthen begin to methodically examine the variables. For example, in the simplestexample in which the costs of placing an order and the costs of carryinginventory are minimized. This optimal point is deemed the Economic OrderQuantity. While, in theory, the method works perfectly, its simplicity is alsowhat limits it in the real world in which additional variables and varyingassumptions run rampant. For example, EOQ does not, or, has trouble takinginto account the following variables/assumptions: Product cost assumptions such as fixed batch costs Product prices which may be variable and thus would change velocity and subsequent sales/demand forecasts Failure to adequately consider or cost out of stocks or backorders Failure to adequately consider lead times, special deals or seasonal items (Eason, 2003). Regardless, EOQ isthe starting place for the consideration or both additional variables as wellas the consideration of other models such as JIT, or the just-in-time methodin which the goal is -0- inventory. This is more applicable to a manufactureside though its principles do have applicability in retail. In this method,the basic assumption that has generally been borne out through research is thatinventory carrying costs are generally far higher than one might initiallythink (Schniederjans Cao, 2001). JIT is achieved by precisely the rightquantity of material/product to its destination just-in-time. Anothersomewhat similar method is ERP or enterprise resource programs. ERPleverages technology to provide firm-wide view of the materials at variousstages in the work process. This data is merged with other firm informationsuch as sales/demand forecast to create a optimized forecast for all rawmaterials, parts and finished products at any point in time. Insummary, whether using EOQ, JIT, ERP or any other combination of letters forinventory optimization, the key is to understand and purposefully manipulatethe variables of business to prioritize and manage the inherent trade-offs ofany business function. Works Consulted Bean, J. (2005), former 3M BusinessAnalyst, Interview on May 21, 2005. [Mr. Bean had significant work inmaintaining in stock levels to between 98.5-99.5% on Stationary and Tapeproducts] Eason, J. (2003, May). Setting TargetInventory Levels for New Products [Masters Degree Thesis, University ofArkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, US]. Piasecki, D. (2001, January). OptimizingEconomic Order Quantity. IIE Solutions. pp. 30-39. Schniederjans, M. Q. Cao. (2001). Analternative analysis of inventory costs of JIT and EOQ purchasing. InternationalJournal of Physical Distribution Logistics, (31), 2, pp. 190-117.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Modernist Poets E.E. Cummings, Wallace Stevens, and T.S. Eliot Change t

Modernist Poets E.E. Cummings, Wallace Stevens, and T.S. Eliot Change the Face of American Poetry Modernist poets such as E.E. Cummings, Wallace Stevens, and T.S. Eliot changed the face of American poetry by destroying the notion that American culture is far inferior to European culture. These and other American poets accomplished the feat of defining an American poetic style in the Modern Era by means of a truly American idea. That idea is the melting pot. Just as American culture exists as a mixture of races, beliefs, and ideas, the new American style of poetry exists as a mixture of old English styles with a new concept of the international style. Modern poets experiment with language, theme, and convention to "cleanse language and culture of old and worn-out meanings, and introduce to poetry what is American in thought, sensibility, perception, observation, and diction [. . .]. [T]hey become exemplary of the modern endeavors of consciousness itself" (McQuade 1241). An important event that caused so many Modernist American poets to invoke the international style was the "expatriate immigration." Many American writers, artists, and musicians left for Europe, looking for new inspiration and fresh starts. Among those emigrating were Eliot, Pound, Hughes, Cummings, and Frost. Once in Europe, there writers were exposed to the new avant-garde art and poetry taking place there. At this time, the writers began to draw inspiration from and to imitate European writers. T. S. Eliot began to imitate the topics and tones of the French poets Charles Bauldelaire and Jules LaForgue, the latter for his bourgeoisie satire. Eliot's poetry written while in Europe displayed a satire that was foreign to American readers. Such is seen in "Th... ...ty at the time-to escape the expectations of a system which no longer works, to break free from the oppression of the social rank-and-file, and to gain true personal freedom. Works Cited Cummings, E.E. "[in Just-]." McQuade, et al. 2: 1419. -. "[she being brand]." McQuade, et al. 2: 1421. -. "[the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls]." McQuade, et al. 2: 1420. McQuade, Donald, et al. Ed. The Harper American Literature. 2nd ed. 2 vols. New York: HarperCollins, 1993. -. "The Literature of Modernism: Poetry 1912-1940." McQuade et al. 2: 1233-1242. Stevens, Wallace. " Anecdote of the Jar." McQuade, et al. 2: 1279. -. "The Plain Sense of Things." McQuade, et al. 2: 1286. Williams, William Carlos. "To Elsie." McQuade, et al. 2: 1304.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Partisan elections Essays -- essays research papers

Partisan Elections   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the following essay I will be talking about the disadvantages and advantages of partisan elections for state politics. I will also examine the last couple year’s election results and costs. Finally, I will discuss if partisanship made a difference in the vote, as well as if a judge should be decided by partisan vote. In the next couple paragraphs I will talk more specifically about these topics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First, let’s talk about the advantages of partisan elections compared to nonpartisan elections. It makes voting a lot faster because the people can just go to either democrat, republican or independent column. They do not have to go through a big list of candidates to figure out who is the best choice, like it would be in nonpartisan elections. Another advantage of having partisan elections would have to be the free press and name recognition. These are really important in an election especially name recognition, because you want the people to notice your name on the ballot when it comes to election time and vote for you. I think that partisan elections help address issues and get the word out to the people, because the candidates have to campaign. This is good because they actually have to go out and talk to the people within the state they are running for. If this was a small town and the people of that town knew who you were and what you have accomplishe d while in politics, than there is a high pro...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Alcohol Use during Pregnancy Linked to Hyperactivity in Children

Most women understand that drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause physical and mental birth defects. Multiple studies indicate women who drink three or more glasses of alcohol at any one occasion in early pregnancy increase the child’s risk of developing alcohol disorders by 21 years of age (JAMA and Archives Journal, 2006; British Medical Journal, 2005) and is also linked to higher incidents of hyperactivity I children (British Medical Journal, 2005).Conversely, the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reveals that â€Å"data on the relationship between FAS and hyperactivity are inconsistent† (Jacobson & Jacobson, 2003).Studies conducted by the NIAAA, indicate hyperactivity of clinic–referred patients â€Å"may have been caused by social and environmental factors, such as co–occurring attachment disorders, anxiety, and post–traumatic stress disorder† (2003, Hyperactivity and Attention, para 3).Fetal Alcohol Syndrom e (FAS) was first identified in 1973 has reached new levels in terms of research and relevance to other birth defects (Locke-Wellman et al, 2000), including the hypothesis that â€Å"alcohol consumption in doses not generally associated with alcohol problems can produce a variety of neurocognitive deficits in the absence of effects on growth and morphology† and â€Å"appear to have a continuum of neurobehavioral morphological and developmental effects† (e.g. hyperactivity), (Locke-Wellman et al.,2000,p. 661).Understanding HyperactivityThe National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) defines hyperactivity –as applies to this report- as Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is a neurobehavioral disorder affecting 3-5 percent of all American children (Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder Association, 2007). ADHD interferes with an individual’s ability to focus (stay on a task) and to exercise age-appropriate inhibition (cognitive alone or both cognitive and behavioral) (NINDS, 2007).Warning signs include what may appear as ignoring verbal instructions, lack of organization (personal and school work), fidgetiness, excessive talking, inability to finish chores and homework, and problems paying attention to and responding to details (NINDS, 2007;Attention Deficit Disorder Association, n.d.). While hyperactivity at any level is most common in the younger years up to the early teens, there are many whose condition continued into the adult years (Ibid).Research Supports Alcohol’s Link to HyperactivityMore than 20 years ago, studies first revealed alcohol use during pregnancy as a valid link to hyperactivity. In effect, children who were administered the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Aged Children (KSADS) who showed signs of hyperactivity were born to mothers who admit to drinking during pregnancy (Coles et al., 1997; Chambers et al., 1985).In 1989, Archer et al. i ndicated a need to study specific factors (e.g. dietary sensitivities and fetal alcohol damage) that may be important for subgroups of hyperactive children. However, the authors add that this findings are â€Å"unlikely to account for the syndrome as a whole† (Archer et al.,1989, p. 18).When covering substance use and abuse, Archer et al. (1986, 1989) reported on an earlier study by Weiss et al (1979), explaining that follow-up findings on substance use and abuse (both alcohol and other compounds) have not been consistent, of which Jacobson’s theory (2003) supports citing that potential reasons for these inconsistencies includes differences in geographic study locations, the birth years of subjects, attrition rates, data collection procedures, definitions of use and abuse, and varying degrees of co-morbidity (e.g., ADHD symptoms and conduct problems) across studies (Archer et al, 1986, 1989).Conduct problems in the early adolescence of hyperactive children have been co nsistent in most studies, of which Weiss et al (1979) reported that â€Å"at [the] follow-up mean age 13 years, 25 percent of formerly hyperactive subjects showed a history of antisocial behavior, 16 percent were referred to juvenile court, and 3 percent (2 of 64 subjects) were placed in a reform school†¦teachers reported that hyperactives exhibited more conduct problems than controls† (p. 1350).Ackerman et al (1986) acknowledges the findings of Weiss et al. (1979) citing that when comparing hyperactive, hypoactive, and normoactive learning-disabled boys and controls in a 4-year follow-up (mean age 14 years) the results indicated a three to sixteen fold increase in comparatively serious behavioral problems (e.g. breaking and entering, aggressive acts in school, and serious incorrigibility) in the hyperactive group (Ackerman et al., 1986; Weiss et al, 1986).However, all studies reveal that the outcome in late adolescence and young adulthood is less clear.

Communication in a Maternity Ward Essay

Interpersonal communication is the process of sending and receiving information between two or more people but it has to be visual for example, a conversation with between a midwife and a patient. Whereas written communication is where you send and receive information but it has to be non visual for example typing up a patients details or sending an email as reference. When using nonverbal communication you should: Use gestures to help to clarify messages to the patients as differences in body language can cause a misunderstanding * Make sure to use the correct grammar and be clear as all documents are official When using verbal communication you should: * Listen carefully and patiently * Speak slowly, clearly and avoid slang * Be respectful, assertive, empathetic, clear, attentive, honest and non-judgmental. These are key things that shall keep your patient at ease and help to create a bond with your patient. * Remember that body language is still part of the communication we are al ways communicating, whether we’re speaking or not. Only 7% of communication is verbal, 55% comes from facial expressions and 38% comes from the way the words were said. So make sure you’re relaxed and clam then the patient shall feel this way and feel like they are in safe hands. There are many different audiences in communication varying on: age, culture and social and educational differences. Some examples of these audiences can be a business woman or young teenager. The type of communication will differ between them as will the way you communicate the message. You can adapt the way you communicate to suit the situation your patient is going through such as helping a first time mum who is scared by reassuring them and explain things calmly and clearly or someone who’s had more than one child by listening to them clearly. You can change your voice, language and body language to suit the different situations and how each patient feels. From using verbal communication the nurse comes to know the patient as a unique individual, this means that the patient come to trust the nurse which would put them at ease. Many techniques can be used to keep your patient calm. Such as asking questions or telling a story to distract and explain the situation easily and clearly. By using these techniques you shall keep your patient at ease throughout labour. Written communication is vital within the nursing industry as anything that is documented such as patients record/chart is a legal document which could be relied on in court if anything went wrong. If something isn’t documented then legally it didn’t happen. Other things that a midwife would need to document are a patient’s assessment, plan of care, change in status, health care and how the nurse left the patient. A report should be clear and concise.

Friday, August 16, 2019

“American Sniper” by Chris Kyle: Summative Essay Essay

The book I chose for the summative essay assignment was â€Å"American Sniper† by Chris Kyle. This book is about the courageous and thrilling memoir of the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history. With over 100 documented kills during his four tours of duty, Chris Kyle has shed light on the dangerous brave life of a sniper. During his four tours of duty in the Iraq war he has come close to death and saved countless lives. He changed a lot from just being a country boy and became what he describes as a man. The war really changed his perspective on his civilian life. The significance of the Iraq war was to help free the Iraqi civilians of their dictator, Saddam Hussein, and the radical Islamic insurgents who terrorized the Iraqi’s after the fall of Saddam Hussein. The time period this book is set in is right before 9/11 and during the Iraq war (1999-2009). As he grows up in Odessa, Texas he grow interested into being a ranch manager. By becoming a ranch hand he found himself in the state of Colorado where he enlisted for the Navy a second time. He joined the Navy in February 1999 and trained to be a Navy SEAL in Coronado, Calif. The rugged challenging training he had to go through to become a Navy SEAL really showed him that it isn’t easy being a solider and that he had to work extremely hard and not give into the powerful temptation of quitting. The tough training conditions and activities really molded him into one of the best U.S. sniper of all time. Nothing he could have imagined would come close to the gruesome scarring experience of war. After serving in the war torn country of Iraq you come out a different person and as he puts it â€Å"Continually going to war, you gravitate to the blackest parts of existence.† Chris Kyle grew up in small towns in north-central Texas. Having loved the ranch lifestyle he became a professional bronco rodeo rider. Then at the end of his freshman year at TSU a bronco flipped onto him breaking his ribs, dislocating his shoulder, a bruised lung and kidney ending his career. After being rejected before from the Marines, he enlisted for the Navy and was turned down at first but then received an unexpected call from the recruiter  little did he know that call would change his life forever. After surviving and passing all of the training needed to become a SEAL, Chris was placed in SEAL Team 3 along with his friends from training, Marc Lee and Ryan Jobs. He married Taya and had a son, they met while he was off base. He finished his 10 years of military service as a CPO and receiving a silver and bronze stars as well as other awards for his contributions as well as over 100 kills. Chris received his nick name of â€Å"The Devil or Ramadi† given to him by the insurgents when he was deployed there. They knew he was a deadly sniper and were terrified of him up to the point of placing an $80,000 bounty on him. In Sadr City he made a 1.9 km shot and killed a rocket launcher holding insurgent. He deployed to locations such as Fallujah, Baghdad, and Ramadi. â€Å"Just then, an RPG hit the outside wall right near me. Some of the building smashed into my face, giving me a couple of beauty marks and temporary tattoos courtesy of the insurgency.† He describes his close encounter with death in Baghdad after getting off the phone with his wife. â€Å"Taya had turned on the television†¦I saw smoke pouring out of the World Trade Center in New York†¦an airplane flew right into the side of the second tower.† He now describes the horrible time when he found out the depressing news of the terrorist attack on the U.S. If I were to rate this book on a scale from 1-10, this book would defiantly earn a 10. This book for me was extremely inspiring how he never gave up even when given the chance, even when all the odds were stacked against him he stayed strong and continued on. He really explained the life of a soldier, and not the usual way we look at soldiers but showed a different side to them, one only they could fully understand. As well as the fact that he let his wife write a few pages here and there explaining the difficulties of being a SEAL’s wife really showed that he wanted the reader to fully understand a SEAL’s life and so on. The only way you would really enjoy reading this book would be if you like reading war books and have an interest in the military. This book is a great book as well if you are looking for a book that you will absolutely not want to put down it and he explains everything that is going on with vivid details. Another pro to this  book is that he transitions from all the events in an orderly way so you will never get lost and have to re-read. I do not dislike any aspect of this story at all, personally it was put together just right to create an exceptionally great war memoir. Overall this book was truly one of my favorite war books I have ever read. It has been crafted carefully by a man who has been through a lot in his life and has stayed strong through the worst times and has enjoyed the best times of his life. Though Chris is no longer with us I am positively sure he would have continued to be the great man that he was, and his legacy will always live on. Christopher Scott Kyle truly was the most lethal U.S. sniper.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Smu I Sem Stat Assignments Set 2

rMBA SEMESTER 1 MB0040 – STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT- 4 Credits (Book ID: B1129) Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions 1. What do you mean by Statistical Survey? Differentiate between â€Å"Questionnaire† and â€Å"Schedule†. ANS: Definition of statistical survey: A Statistical survey is a scientific process of collection and analysis of numerical data. Statistical surveys are used to collect numerical information about units in a population. Surveys involve asking questions to individuals. Surveys of human populations are common in government, health, social science and marketing sectors.Stages of Statistical Survey: Statistical surveys are categorized into two stages – planning and execution. The two broad stages of Statistical survey AS FOLLOWS: [pic] Planning a Statistical Survey: The relevance and accuracy of data obtained in a survey depends upon the care exercised in planning. A properly planned in vestigation can lead to best results with least cost and time. Steps involved in the planning stage are as follows: Step 1: Nature of the problem to be investigated should be clearly defined in an unambiguous manner. Step 2: Objectives of the investigation should be stated at the outset.Objectives could be to: †¢ Obtain certain estimates †¢ Establish a theory †¢ Verify an existing statement †¢ Find relationship between characteristics Step 3: The scope of the investigation has to be made clear. The scope of investigation refers to the area to be covered, identification of units to be studied, nature of characteristics to be observed, accuracy of measurements, analytical methods, time, cost and other resources required. Step 4: Whether to use data collected from primary or secondary source should be determined in advance.Step 5: the organization of investigation is the final step in the process. It encompasses the determination of the number of investigators requi red, their training, supervision work needed, funds required. Execution of Statistical survey: Control methods should be adopted at every stage of carrying out the investigation to check the accuracy, coverage, methods of measurements, analysis and interpretation. The collected data should be edited, classified, tabulated and presented in diagrams and graphs. The data should be carefully and systematically analysed and interpreted.Differentiate between â€Å"Questionnaire† and â€Å"Schedule†: Questionnaires contain simple questions and are filled by respondents. Schedules also contain questions but responses are recorded directly by the investigator. 2. The table shows the data of Expenditure of a family on food, clothing, education, rent and other items. Depict the data shown in the table using Pie chart. |Items |Expenditure | |Food |4300 | |Clothing |1200 | |Education |700 | Rent |2000 | |Others |600 | ANS: [pic] Fig: Pie-chart showing expenditure of a family on var ious items 3. Average weight of 100 screws in box A is 10. 4 gms. It is mixed with 150 screws of box B. Average weight of mixed screws is 10. 9 gms. Find the average weight of screws of box B. ANS: GIVEN THAT: †¢ n1=100, †¢ n2 = 150, †¢ X1 = 10. 4 Gms, †¢ [pic]= 10. 9 Gms, †¢ X2 =? WE KNOW THAT: [pic] 10. 9 = (100*10. 4) + (150 X2) / 100+150 10. 9 = 1040 + 150 X2 / 250 0. 9*250 = 1040 + 150 X2 2725 = 1040 + 150 X2 150 = 2725-1040 X2 =1685 / 150 X2 = 11. 23 Gms Therefore, the average weight of screws of box B is 11. 23 gms. 4. (a) Discuss the rules of â€Å"Probability†. (b) What is meant by â€Å"Conditional Probability†? ANS: 1. Addition rule: The addition rule of probability states that: i) If ‘A’ and ‘B’ are any two events then the probability of the occurrence of either ‘A’ or ‘B’ is given by: [pic] ii) If ‘A’ and ‘B’ are two mutually exclusive events then the pro bability of occurrence of either A or B is given by: [pic] ii) If A, B and C are any three events then the probability of occurrence of either A or B or C is given by: [pic] In terms of Venn diagram, from the figure 5. 4, we can calculate the probability of occurrence of either event ‘A’ or event ‘B’, given that event ‘A’ and event ‘B’ are dependent events. From the figure 5. 5, we can calculate the probability of occurrence of either ‘A’ or ‘B’, given that, events ‘A’ and ‘B’ are independent events. From the figure 5. 6, we can calculate the probability of occurrence of either ‘A’ or ‘B’ or ‘C’, given that, events ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ are dependent events. pic] iv) If A1, A2, A3†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦, An are ‘n’ mutually exclusive and exhaustive events then the probability of occurrence of at le ast one of them is given by: [pic] 2. Multiplication rule: If ‘A’ and ‘B’ are two independent events then the probability of occurrence of ‘A’ and ‘B’ is given by: [pic] Conditional Probability: Sometimes we wish to know the probability that the price of a particular petroleum product will rise, given that the finance minister has increased the petrol price. Such probabilities are known as conditional probabilities.Thus the conditional probability of occurrence of an event ‘A’ given that the event ‘B’ has already occurred is denoted by P (A / B). Here, ‘A’ and ‘B’ are dependent events. Therefore, we have the following rules. If ‘A’ and ‘B’ are dependent events, then the probability of occurrence of ‘A and B’ is given by: [pic] It follows that: [pic] For any bivariate distribution, there exists two marginal distributions and ‘m + nâ€⠄¢ conditional distributions, where ‘m’ and ‘n’ are the number of classifications/characteristics studied on two variables. 5. (a) What is meant by â€Å"Hypothesis Testing†?Give Examples (b) Differentiate between â€Å"Type-I† and â€Å"Type-II† Errors ANS: Hypothesis Testing: Hypothesis testing is about making inferences about a population from only a small sample. The bottom line in hypothesis testing is when we ask ourselves (and then decide) whether a population, like we think this one, would be likely to produce a sample like the one we are looking at. Testing Hypothesis: In hypothesis testing, we must state the assumed or hypothesised value of the population parameter before we begin sampling. The assumption we wish to test is called the null hypothesis and is symbolised by ?Ho†. The term null hypothesis arises from earlier agricultural and medical applications of statistics. In order to test the effectiveness of a new fert iliser or drug, the tested hypothesis (the null hypothesis) was that it had no effect, that is, there was no difference between treated and untreated samples. If we use a hypothesised value of a population mean in a problem, we would represent it symbolically as ? H0. This is read – The hypothesized value of the population mean. If our sample results fail to support the null hypothesis, we must conclude that something else is true.Whenever we reject the hypothesis, the conclusion we do accept is called the alternative hypothesis and is symbolised H1 (â€Å"H sub-one†). Interpreting the level of significance: The purpose of hypothesis testing is not to question the computed value of the sample statistic but to make a judgment about the difference between that sample statistic and hypothesised population parameter. The next step after stating the null and alternative hypotheses is to decide what criterion to be used for deciding whether to accept or reject the null hypot hesis.If we assume the hypothesis is correct, then the significance level will indicate the percentage of sample means that is outside certain limits (In estimation, the confidence level indicates the percentage of sample means that falls within the defined confidence limits). Hypotheses are accepted and not proved: Even if our sample statistic does fall in the non-shaded region (the region shown in below figure that makes up 95 percent of the area under the curve), this does not prove that our null hypothesis (H0) is true; it simply does not provide statistical evidence to reject it.Why? It is because the only way in which the hypothesis can be accepted with certainty is for us to know the population parameter; unfortunately, this is not possible. Therefore, whenever we say that we accept the null hypothesis, we actually mean that there is not sufficient statistical evidence to reject it. Use of the term accept, instead of do not reject, has become standard. It means that when samp le data do not cause us to reject a null hypothesis, we behave as if that hypothesis is true. [pic] fig: Acceptance and rejection region of sampleSelecting a Significance Level: There is no single standard or universal level of significance for testing hypotheses. In some instances, a 5% level of significance is used. In the published results of research papers, researchers often test hypotheses at the 1 percent level of significance. Hence, it is possible to test a hypothesis at any level of significance. But remember that our choice of the minimum standard for an acceptable probability, or the significance level, is also the risk we assume of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true.The higher the significance level we use for testing a hypothesis, the higher the probability of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true. 5% level of significance implies we are ready to reject a true hypothesis in 5% of cases. If the significance level is high then we would rarely accept the nu ll hypothesis when it is not true but, at the same time, often reject it when it is true. When testing a hypothesis we come across four possible situations. The above figure shows the four possible situations. [pic] Table: Possible situations when testing a hypothesisThe combinations are: 1. If the hypothesis is true, and the test result accepts it, then we have made a right decision. 2. If hypothesis is true, and the test result rejects it, then we have made a wrong decision (Type I error). It is also known as Consumer? s Risk, denoted by ?. 3. If hypothesis is false, and the test result accepts it, then we have made a wrong decision (Type II error). It is known as producer? s risk, denoted by ? 1 – P is called power of the Test. 4. Hypothesis is false, test result rejects it – we have made a right decision. Type-I† and â€Å"Type-II† Errors: Suppose that making a Type I error (rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true) involves the time and trouble of reworking a batch of chemicals that should have been accepted. At the same time, making a Type II error (accepting a null hypothesis when it is false) means taking a chance that an entire group of users of this chemical compound will be poisoned. Obviously, the management of this company will prefer a Type I error to a Type II error and, as a result, will set very high levels of significance in its testing to get low . Suppose, on the other hand, that making a Type I error involves disassembling an entire engine at the factory, but making a Type II error involves relatively inexpensive warranty repairs by the dealers. Then the manufacturer is more likely to prefer a Type II error and will set lower significance levels in its testing. 6. From the following table, calculate Laspyres Index Number, Paasches Index Number, Fisher? s Price Index Number and Dorbish & Bowley? s Index Number taking 2008 as the base year. Commodity |2008 |2009 | | |Price (Rs) per Kg |Quantity in Kg |Price (Rs ) per Kg |Quantity in Kg | |A |6 |50 |10 |56 | |B |2 |100 |2 |120 | |C |4 |60 |6 60 | |D |10 |30 |12 |24 | |E |8 |40 |12 |36 | Sol: Commodity |2008 |2009 |   |   |   |   | | |P0 |Q0 |P1 |Q1 |P1Q0 |P1Q1 |P0Q0 |P0Q1 | |A |6 |50 |10 |56 |500 |560 |300 |336 | |B |2 |100 |2 |120 |200 |240 |200 |240 | |C |4 |60 |6 |60 |360 |360 |240 |240 | |D |10 |30 |12 |24 |360 |288 |300 |240 | |E |8 |40 |12 |36 |480 |432 |320 |288 | |   |   |   |   |   |1900 |1880 |1360 |1344 | |   |   |   |   |   |? P1Q0=1900 |? P1Q1= |? P0Q0= |?P0Q1= | | | | | | | |1880 |1360 |1344 | (A) Laspyres Index Number =? P1Q0 / ? P1Q1 x 100 =1900 / 1880 x 100 = 1. 0106 x 100 = 101. 06 Ans. (B) Paasches Index Number =? P1Q1 / ? P0Q1 x 100 =1880 /1344 x 100 =1. 3988 x 100 =138. 88 Ans. (C) Fisher’s Price Index Number = ? P1Q0 x ? P1Q1 / ? P0Q0 x ? P0Q1 X 100 = 1900 x 1880 / 1360 x 1344 X 100 = 1. 9542 x 100 = 1. 3979 x 100 = 139. 79 Ans. (D) Dorbish & Bowley? s Index Number = ? P1Q0 / ? P0Q0 + ? P1Q1 / ? P0Q1 x 100 = 1900 / 1360 + 1880 / 1344 x 100 = 2. 795 x 100 = 1. 6718 x 100 = 167. 18 Ans. [pic]

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A Research On Native Americans: Origin, Culture, Way Of Life And Contribution To The United States

The origin and presence of Native Americans in the Western Hemisphere has been one of the most debatable issues in both American and world historical studies. European invaders entering the new land were quite challenged to find about 100 million inhabitants in the Americas; a land they had always presumed was vast and vacant.These European settlers as well as scientists believed that the American natives belonged to the biblical Lost Tribes of the nation of Israel, while others fancifully argued that these natives could have been the remnant of lost civilizations such as Mu or Atlantis.Early European settlers insisted that Native Americans must have had their origin in ancient Israel, Rome, the Irish, Welsh or Viking lands. Scientists have however changed their perspective over recent times and joined Native American voices to support the notion that these people are indigenous to the Americas.Tied into the issue of native origin are legal standings regarding Native sovereignty, pos session of sacred artifacts and Native remains, Native American spokesman-ship or representation, as well as the rules that should be used to analyze the evidence deduced from history and science about their indigenous status in this land (Carliste & Golson 2006, p.1).Native Americans in the United StatesHistorically, the earliest Native tribes to inhabit the Americas are the Athapascans and Inuits who are believed to have entered the land through the Bering Strait that connects Alaska and Siberia. Others are said to have traveled by boat or canoe around the North American Pacific coast and Arctic Circle to predominate North America and parts of South America.But the Native American people have together with others. Always questioned the Bering Strait theory and gone ahead to insist that they have inhabited the Americas as far back as their origin can be traced.Researchers into the origins of Native Americans have suggested that these people could have entered the Americas through m ultiple migrations not only by the land bridge or boat at the Bering Strait; but also through sea from Polynesia and parts of Europe.Genetic evidence has also come up with suggestions that Native Americans had already arrived in the Americas about 15,000 to 30,000 years long before the Bering Strait had been exposed by lowering sea levels. Recent discoveries have found genetic evidence of Polynesian origin among five Native tribes like the Mapuche, Cayapa of Ecuador, Huilleche, Nuu-Chal-Nulth in Canada, and the Atacameno of Chile.Native oral traditions tell about a journey to the Americas by boat and the present-day continent popularly referred to as the United States of America is an ancestral home to over 500 Indian nations. The state of California alone was home to over 60 tribes of between 30,000 – 40,000 Native people before the early European invasion (Stubben & Sokolow 2005, p.1-3; Carliste & Golson 2006, p.1-6).Native American tribes spoke a variety of languages but m ost of the northeastern tribes lived in semi-permanent and permanent dwellings, socially organized under clan membership.The clans were matrilineal and young men were raised in the households of their mothers by their maternal uncles. Daily Native American life revolved around hunting, gathering, farming and fishing, the main crops being maize, beans and squash.Native Americans moved in groups of about 50 – 100 people because such a group could manage reasonable hunting exploits especially when hunting large buffalo herds. Family was very important to the Native Americans and all members of a family ranging from grandparents, parents and the children shared a very special bond. Family and tribal elders were highly respected and their decisions in various matters were crucial to the existence of a clan or entire tribe.Men did the hunting and took care of other tribal matters such as maintenance of tribal boundaries while the women provide labor for tilling the fields as well a s doing several other chores. In some tribes like the Iroquois, women also held powerful positions whereby they controlled the election and removal of clan chiefs.These gender based cultural traits were to create a lot of cross-cultural conflict when the European arrived in the Americas (Stubben & Sokolow 2005, p.57; Carliste & Golson 2006, p.113).Life for the Native Americans however changed drastically with the arrival of European settlers to America especially during the early 1800s, when the Americas experienced an influx of European settlers.The need to supply the American nation with foodstuffs, clothing and lumber led to the displacement of Native people and immediately, plans got under way to resettle them to reservations. European invasion is said to have led to the extinct of some Native tribes like the Beothuk who are said to have been wiped out completely.Most other tribes lost over 90% of their people to European genocide because the white settlers had better weapons of warfare that were also more extreme and violent than the native peoples could resist.In their conquests, European invaders murdered noncombatants as well as used biological warfare such as deliberate spread of disease and starvation. 75 million Indians are estimated to have died with some estimates going as high as 112 million (Pritzker 2000, p.162; Carliste & Golson 2006, p.9, 26).European settlement was detrimental to Native American existence because it disrupted every aspect of their lives. The relocation f Native tribes from their native lands disrupted their way of life.Between 1854 and 1855 for example, Washington governor Isaac I. Stevens signed four treaties in quick succession with the Waka Walla Cayuse, Yakima, Makah, Nez Perce, Lushootsedd and Coer d’ Alene Native tribes around the Oregon and Washington territories.Through these treaties, Native lands were ceded back to the government which included the choicest lands of Tacoma, Seattle and Olympia. In return, th ese tribes were allotted tracts of lands although the government held the right over waterways and public transportation throughout these territories.Although native tribes retained such rights as fishing, hunting and grazing rights, these allotments marked the beginning of a restricted lifestyle for the Native tribes.These treaties not only eroded native culture but their lifestyle as well, and forced their assimilation into reservations (Hoxie, Mancall & Merrell 2001, p. 67; Pritzer 2000, p. 5, 214; Carliste & Golson 2006, p.29, 75, 111).

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Job Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Job Description - Essay Example Other responsibilities included input of system parameters, inventory analysis, Purchase Requisition, shortage status and follow-up of Pending Purchase Orders, required to make independent decisions on system and schedule requirements based on job knowledge. He/she should also be in-charge of managing program planning and material requirements, material Status planning and material support budgets, maintain current and accurate status of material procurements. Providing interface and coordination between all End Users, and recommend and implement stock reduction proposal and through forecast and estimates is also under his/her scope. Also, must be able to recommend logistics requirements to Procurement Department, program material budgeting, forecast, allocation, execution and reporting, execute planning and material availability and calculates Work Center Loads and Capacity Requirements. 6. Constantly reviews and analyses materials inventory policies and makes recommendations for changes. Identifies opportunities for inventory cost reductions. Maintains overall inventory support for the Company's operations at all times. 7. Co-ordinates periodic reviews of SAP based inventory system to reconcile stock records with actual stock. Investigates discrepancies, prepares reports with recommendations for corrective action where necessary. 8.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Successional Planning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Successional Planning - Research Paper Example The organization provides services to the customer within the town of Quispamsis. The organization has more than 100 employees and has been in service for many years. It is managed by professionals who ensure continuity and expansion. Exploitation is evidences in the organization with some of the professional providing service being underpaid. Sometimes salary delay and over taxation are noticed. For improvement, the employee compensation policies should be reviewed. Individual should be compensated with respect to their education level and experience. Pension scheme should also be introduced in order to compensate people after retirement. Employees should be given medical and health insurance cover to compensate them in case of injury. Training should be held in order to make sure that the employees are conversant with the organization’s operations and strategies. The current state is good and the existing operational strategies should be maintained or improved. In future there should be skilled and motivated employees in order to increase the performance and gain more income. Human resource manager should consider hiring skilled employees and also motivate the existing employee in order to improve

Monopolies in Todays Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Monopolies in Todays Market - Essay Example Atimes, monopolies exist as a result of government backings in which case the monopolies provide goods, products or services which the government considers essential to the well being of the people. The absence of supply curve in the monopolized market causes inefficient allocation of society's resources. Therefore there is that tendency for a monopolist to charge high prices and probably making higher profits compared with firms in perfect competition. The objective of this paper is to unravel the role of monopolies in today's market and the implications of technology and systems on the monopolies. The rest of this paper examines different types of monopoly, its revenue, monopoly and price discriminations, and implications of technology and systems. (a) Pure Monopoly: This is a type of monopoly that exists in a particular region or city in which its products have no close substitutes. This makes it possible for the monopolist to charge extra prices because their products are necessities. (b) Natural Monopoly: A monopoly that exists because of economies of scale it enjoys in which large scale production brings lower average cost. Even though a competitor arises in the industry lower prices the monopolist would charge is capable of sending the competitor off the market. (c) Efficiency Monopoly: When government does not legalize monopoly, a monopoly may exist largely due to its ability to satisfy the customers in which case competition is inadvertently rule out. (d) Legal Monopoly: This form of monopoly has government backing such that laws are enacted to simply rule out competition. Wikipedia says "when such a monopoly is granted to a private party, it is a government granted monopoly; when it is operated by government itself, it is government monopoly or state monopoly". Monopoly Revenue Basically, a monopolist faces downward sloping demand curve which is also the firm's average revenue curve. As the monopolist sells a single price for its products, average revenue per product is the same as the price. For the monopolist to increase its sales it charges lower unit price for its products. At price P1 the monopolist only manages to sell Q1 quantity of the product; in order to increase its sales it reduces the price from P1 to P2 and as such sales is increased from Q1 to Q2 which he now gains in figure 1 below. Given the above scenario, the differential of the total revenue in relation to quantity gives marginal revenue which shows that the additional revenue large enough to offset the reduction in price. Figure 1: Showing Monopolist's gain brought about by price reduction. However, the monopolist maximizes profit where marginal revenue equals marginal cost. The reason is the since marginal cost is always greater than zero the monopolist will operate at profit because marginal revenue will be positive and where demand is elastic. If the monopolist stops production where marginal cost is less than marginal revenue, he will be leaving his profit untapped while quantity in which marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost the firm will be operating at losses. Profit maximizing price is determined by drawing a line where marginal co

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 12

Personal Statement Example This is what I would like to be able to do. I consider myself to be highly competitive, always wanting to surpass what I have already achieved. I engage in healthy competition with my colleagues, but I am more focused on outdoing myself. I consider myself my toughest competition. During my early years in school and up to middle school, I have been an active student leader, working hard on my academics as well as the extracurricular activities. I desired not only to hit high marks in my subjects, but also be able to participate in school activities and hone my other skills. My participation in school organizations has helped me to become a real team player, knowing where and how to make a group of people maximize their potentials to reach common objectives. I have brought this skill even during my college and early years as a professional, and it is one of my personality traits that I consider useful as I carve my career path. Being my biggest critic, I also had to conquer other grounds as I moved to places. I took an Intensive English course so I could learn to effectively communicate in writing and speech on top of my native language. I know that having the right communications skills will put me ahead of the others, and so I focused on learning not only the language, but more importantly, on achieving the right amount of self confidence to actually communicate and speak in public. This is one of the best decisions I have made because it has enabled me to interact more effectively with people from other cultures, in the workplace and beyond. Most of my career life has been focused on being involved in business analytics, studying performances of partner suppliers and making appropriate recommendations. During my three and a half years of stay with the company Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), I was able to enhance my

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Assessment Accommodation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assessment Accommodation - Research Paper Example Accommodation is a word that can be described as an adjustment of the certain environment or a curriculum format to allow an individual to have an access to the learnings that he could gain from it or to somehow to complete the assigned tasks. An example of accommodation is the use of sign language in the teaching-learning process in order for the student to understand the lesson. If accommodation is known to be the â€Å"adjustment† or â€Å"alteration† of the curriculum to accommodate the student’s needs, the modification is the â€Å"change in the curriculum† for the students who cannot go with the actual comprehension process during the class discussion. An example of this is the reduction of the number of assignments for a certain student who has a lower level of comprehension compare to an average student. There are times when teachers commit the mistake of thinking she is in a classroom with the homogenous type of students. However, in reality, students, in general, are heterogeneous. Students have different needs and different weaknesses. Take this status-quo for instance: â€Å"Based on Census and Immigration and Naturalization Services records, it is estimated that there are79 million school-age language minority children in the United States. This bilingual population is distributed throughout the United States with heavier concentrations in the southwest and northeast. The highest concentration is in the large urban areas.† ( You need to be sure that your student can understand the language or the vocabulary level that is being used in discussing the lesson. If not, it is important to teach them first the essential vocabulary that they need to understand.  Ã‚